A new ring was discovered to exist there today.
Taken by telescope a new image appears,
Something like this has not been seen in years!
The ring is gigantic, 7 million miles wide,
They say over 1 billion Earths fit inside!
The ring is way cold, so jackets are a must,
Too bad the ring is just ice and space dust.
Look at this artist's depiction, whatcha think?
To read more about it, click on this link!
This artist's rendering released by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
shows the biggest but never-before-seen ring around Saturn, spotted by
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. The inset shows an enlarged image
of Saturn, as seen by the W.M. Keck Observatory at Mauna Kea, Hawaii,
in infrared light. The bulk of the ring material starts about 3.7 million
miles away from the planet and extends outward roughly
another 7.4 million miles.