Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Field Day...Yay!!!

To celebrate a terrific year, we headed outside to enjoy the sunshine and a variety activities.  Our spirits and the temperature were sky-high.  It was a day to remember.  Here is a look at some of the fun!

Reading Carnival!

For those friends that met their reading goal for the year, a Reading Carnival was held downstairs.  Students were given five tickets and could select from nine games.  Students earned additional tickets, which they could then trade for a prize.  We are so excited so many of our classmates were able to participate in this awesome celebration.  The year may be over, but the reading never stops!  Check out the fun below!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Notes From the Battlefield...

Pre-battle Jitters!
Today was the Semi Finals for the Battle of the Books.  The top three, third grade teams arrived prepared for a head-to-head competition.  At stake was the opportunity to compete in the Final Battle, against the top fourth and fifth graders.  All three teams gave it their best effort.  The audience was wowed by their careful attention to detail and teamwork.  It was anybody's game...but, we are very pleased to announce that our team emerged victorious!  So on to the Finals we go!  Our readers have a few more days to rev-up their reading engines.  Until then, happy reading!

Wow, they really know these books!
Look at that teamwork!

We did it!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day One of Battle

Today was round one of the Battle of the Books.  Our two teams were pitted against one another and fought valiantly. After three rounds of questions the teams were tied.  It all came down to one final question.  In the end, Team 2 was victorious and lived to battle another day.  We are so proud of both teams and their hard work in preparing for battle.  We wish both teams could have moved on!  Stay tuned as the Battle of the Books continues next week!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Better You...A Better Me!

Last night was our final performance of our third grade play, A Better You...A Better Me!  We move forward from the performance ready to live according to the Six Pillars of Character: trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, caring, fairness, and good citizenship!  We hope you enjoyed the show! 

We look awesome in our tie-dyed shirts!

The smiling faces of good citizens!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Get Off Your Seat & Enter the World of Bill Peet!

As our end of the year author study, we are delving into the world of the fabulous, Bill Peet.  This author/illustrator/film maker has written and illustrated over 30 children's books, as well as contributed to Disney classics, such as 101 Dalmatians, The Sword and the Stone, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Pinocchio, and Sleeping Beauty.  

We have just begun to explore the amazing stories of Mr. Peet, but already we are recognizing common themes, like realizing we are all special in our own way and the importance of showing gratitude and generosity.  It is obvious that Bill Peet was a very special man with many important, worthwhile messages to share with his readers.   We look forward to our continued exploration of the wonderful world of Bill Peet!

Which book has been your favorite?  Which character have you enjoyed the most?  Why?

Our Attribute Chart for Bill Peet Books.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Training for Battle

The time has come!  The teams have been selected!  The training is underway!  The Battle of the Books approaches! Since the beginning of school, our classes have been reading books from an approved list in order to earn a chance to compete in the battle. Well, after months of careful reading and small comprehension tests, we are officially prepared to battle.   After reading diligently for  months, 8 students have been selected to form two teams to represent our classes in battle.  We are currently reviewing all 15 books and assigning group members to read or reread certain texts.  We are quizzing team members and strengthening our trivia muscles.  The initial battle commences on May 26.  We eagerly await this opportunity to put our knowledge to the test.  Until then...the training continues!

Preparing for battle!