Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Cell"ebrating Science!

We are wrapping up our unit of study on plant and animal cells. Since we can't create an actual cell in class, we created cell cookie models! Not only was this a highly enjoyable and informative was also delicious. We constructed our cells while completing a labeled diagram of the different parts of cells. We never thought we would have so much fun talking about cytoplasm and chloroplasts! If you would like to recreate this activity at home the list of supplies needed are:

1 sugar cookie (animal cell)
1 pop tart (plant cell)
frosting (cytoplasm)
Pull-n-Peel Twizzlers (cell membrane)
green M&Ms (chloroplasts)
Raisinets (nucleus)
pretzel rods (cell wall)
Hot Tamales (other organelles)

Can you remember which parts are only present in plant cells? Check out the "Cells Alive" link under Science Rocks! for more fun with cells!


  1. The cell cookies actviy was really fun to and EAT!YUMMY! From,Mayra

  2. yum,yum,yum

