Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Battle Has Begun!

The Battle of the Books is now underway! Since the beginning of school, our classes have been reading books from an approved list in order to earn a chance to compete in the battle. Well after months of careful reading, small comprehension tests, and a final qualifying exam, we are officially prepared to battle. Our teams have been chosen! Check us out!!!

This morning we marched to the media center to initiate the battle. Unfortunately, our two teams were pitted against one another right from the get-go. The competition was fierce. So many books! So many authors! So much information! Our classes wowed the crowd with their extensive knowledge and team spirit! Each team displayed a valiant effort, but Miss Hoffmann's homeroom left victorious.

The battle continues June 4 when we challenge new teams, and we will be pumping iron (reading and reviewing books) until then!!! What did you think of the first leg of the battle? Were you surprised by the questions? Stay tuned for more updates from the battlefield!


  1. YAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!:) We won the battle,but the other team lost but miss young's class tryed really hard, and we were still cheering for there exelent work ssssooooooo...
    GO MISS YOUNG'S TEAM EVEN THOE YOUR NOT MOVING ON!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):)*******

  2. i did loose but your homeroom rocked!congatulations!:] from,rk
