Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Call of Battle!

Calling all readers!  The battle begins!  This year, as third graders, we are able to compete in the Battle of the Books.  This is a competition of third, fourth, and fifth grade readers who, after reading books from this list, are able to compete and attempt to earn a spot on the final battle team!  There are books for everyone;  books about ghosts, animals, sports, history...a variety of genres to choose from!  The battle is in the distant future.  For now we are gathering supplies and beginning to develop our battle skills.  The good news is, we have already read one book from the list...The Earth Dragon Awakes!  The bad news is...we currently only have one copy of each book, and with 53 friends in our classes, it will be difficult to prepare.  We need your help!  If you would like to donate books from the list to our classroom, we would greatly appreciate it!  It's time to start reading!    


  1. I love the Battle of the Books competition and it is a great way to motivate kids to read great books. Can't wait for this year... Maybe the Hoffman clan will walk away with the grand prize.

  2. hi mrs. hoffmann,
    is there anyway that i can get a battle book from the media center such as Safe at home by Mike Lupica??? :]:]:]

  3. dear miss hoffman i'm excited about the battle of the books.Sydney
