Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Attention Shuttle Commanders

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Are you curious about the distance between each planet? Are you having a hard time comprehending the vastness, of the dimensions, of the universe? Then this take-home lab is for you...This is your mission, should you choose to accept it. Obtain the following document. Read the directions carefully. Enjoy your journey through space!!! Don't forget to return your observation notes to mission control (our classroom). If you do so by Monday, September 14, you will be eligible for 5 success tickets!!!


  1. Iwill do it even know it will be HOT love being in your swich class bye:) :) :) :)

  2. dear miss hoftman , lila and me jessica already did the walk on sunday we were literly dripping sweat!!

    -jessi and lila
