Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is the Moon Made of Cheese?

No, my friends, the moon is not made of cheese. But what if the Solar System was edible? What would the planets be made of? Our class spent some time this week imagining that the Solar System was edible. During our Edible Solar System Lab, we studied various delicious items and formed a hypothesis about which item represented which planet in our solar system. Items used included: 2 cherries, 2 apples, a cantoloupe, a watermelon, a raspberry, and a pea. Of course these items come nowhere close to the actual size of the planets, but for our experiment's purposes, they provided an accurate model for comparison. Turns out, comparing the planets to fruit can be tricky! Take a look at our final and accurate matchings of edible items to planets. Be sure to notice Mercury, it's the barely noticeable pea on the far left side of the photo. Does anything surprise you?
Let me know!


  1. it was awsome to do it♥ MAYRA

  2. hey miss hoffmann its emily i think the edible solar system is REALLY COOL! even though i didnt see it i really think that the pictures are pretty cool! see you Monday!!!

  3. Hi it is Dakota that was very FUN hope you have a good weekend:) :) :)
