Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Scream!!!

What's in the bag?  That was the question of the day!  During our Fall Celebration, those who dared, reached into a mystery bag and had to guess the contents.  The bags had names of course...Goblin Eyes, Mummy Snot, Frankenstein's Brain, Witch Fingers, get the picture. 

It was up to our students to use only their sense of touch to discern what these bags might actually we did not manage to get our hands on Frankenstein's actual brain.  What began as squeals of anticipation and excitement, did eventually turn into shrieks of dread and revulsion!  Even with our gag reflexes put to the test, we screamed for more!  Check us out! 

Well guys, now that it's over, what did you think?  Which bag was the easiest to guess?  Which bag contained the grossest mystery substance?  We're dying to hear from you!


  1. mrs.hoffman that was yucky and cool!!!!!!!!!!!
    loooooove it so much


  2. MRS.Hoffmann that was yucky,realy did Ashaly tell you to do that it was cool love meagan

  3. I remember that. It was creepy, with the MUMMY SNOT and FRANKENSTEINS BRAIN!!!!!!!! from maya
